Lectins specific to bisecting GlcNAc

Lectins specific to bisecting GlcNAc

A group from Department of Chemistry, Georgia State University, Atlanta GA USA, etc. has reported about lectins specific to bisecting GlcNAc.

Many plant lectins could tolerate the bisecting GlcNAc, among which the bindings of PHA-E and Calsepa were enhanced. It was observed that even at a low concentration (1 μg mL−1), PHA-E and Calsepa showed bindings to non-bisected N-glycans, which would pose a significant problem in their wide applications of bisected glycan identification and cancer biomarker discovery. Surprisingly, PHA-L exhibited specific recognition of bisected biantennary N-glycans, which could find promising implementation in probing such structures, e.g., in antibodies, where β1-6-branched glycans are absent.
However, it should be noted that PHA-L has a strong specificity for tri/tetra antennary N-glycans.


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