Archive 20/7/30

Today, it seems that "" was indexed by the search engine

I uploaded Mx’s Homepage on July 19th, and today I could see search results on and エムック(in Japanese) for the first time. It seems to have been indexed by the search engine today. It is 10 days after uploading a new homepage and is rather early.

From now on, I will keep enriching homepage contents, and will improve the search rankings of typical key words.

It takes a long time for search engines to recognize me.

Since launching this Homepage on July 19, the domain,, is still not indexed by search engines. I was able to register this website to Google Search Console, but it seems to me that I have to wait patiently until the time comes. There is some information that it takes more than a month to be indexed by a search engine, so I think it’s still a long way off. Let’s check how many days it will take at this time.

WordPress Theme

This HP is powered by a WordPress theme. I changed it from Twenty Seventeen, which was the first theme, to Sydney recently.

I think both are good themes.

Mx's Homepage opened

On July 19, 2020, we opened Homepage. It is under construction now. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but please be patient for a little while.

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