
Welcome to Mx’s (to be pronounced as emukk’s) Homepage

July 19th, 2024 is the fourth Anniversary of this homepage. Mx will be holding a half price sale on GSR2300 as the 4th anivversry event (First come first served, only 1 unit available). Current main issues on Mx homepage are as follows. Basically, Mx is a research and development type business entity.

  • General biological phenomena related to Glycans and Lectins and those application to real life
  • Realization of sustainable and regenerative agriculture and food safety
  • Evanescent-field fluorescence excitation Glycan Profiler (GlycoStation®)
  • Biosensors for detecting microbes (Optic Biome Sensor)
  • Easy to use Statistical Analysis & Deep Learning Software (GlycoStation®SA/DL Easy)
  • R&D consumables (Culture media for MSC, Special Culture media, Lectin, etc.)
(Mx CEO, Masao Yamada Ph.D.) With and After Corona’s world will transform various social structures, including work styles. So, Let’s move forward with our life, breaking from the past. We are now developing a new business with the goal of contributing to human health and food safety in order to realize a sustainable society.

News (Reviews on Glycan Microarrays)

There is a discription about Glycan microarrays saying that “The typical concentrations for glycan microarray experiments use GBPs in the range of 5-200 μg/mL, and Glycan Binding Proteins (GBP) binding to typical printed glycan microarrays is detectable over a broad range of binding affinities, e.g., Kd’s of 10 μM to 10 nM; however, mM affinities are probably not observable.”

However, this problem can be easily overcome using GlycoStation. GlycoStation’s sensitivity is three orders of magnitude higher, and since it is a non-destructive measurement, it can detect even the weakest intermolecular interactions. (Sept. 24th, 2024)

News (Biosimilars and Lectin Microarray)

College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Iceland have emphasized the importance of the recent FDA results using lectin microarrays as a novel method for evaluating Biosimilars. The FDA has shown that the lectin microarray is useful in evaluating glycosylation in different manufacturing batches or comparing biosimilar and reference goods. This demonstrates its potential to speed up the development of biosimilars. The FDA´s conclusions significantly impact the understanding of characterization versus comparison. The key issue is maintaining the glycan profile, as found in clinical lots, as a measure of biosimilarity. (Setp. 15th, 2024)

News (hRTL paper)

A paper regarding hRTL lectin has been published on Marine Drugs. (Sept. 3rd, 2024)

News(Latest research on clam lectins)

Mx has supported An International Collaborative Research Seminar on clam Lectins held at Nagasaki International University (A special lecture sponsored by the Kyushu Yamaguchi Branch of The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan). (July 30th, 2024)

News (A novel method for rapid glycan profiling of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies)

Under the open access page of FDA’s homepage (/Home/Drugs/Science and Research/Drugs Regulatory Science in Action/), a tailored Lectin Microarray for therapeutic mAbs using GlycoStation was introduced as a novel method for assessing the glycosylation of antibody therapeutics. (June 22nd, 2024)

News (5th AGS)

5th AGS will be held in Wellignton, New Zealand on Aug. 27th-30th. Mx reprezentative will also be participating. (June 18th, 2024)

News (Glyco-core Symposium 2024)

Glyco-core Symposium 2024, sponsored by iGCORE, will be held on July 16th (Tue.) at Toyota Auditorium, Nagoya University. MX representative will also be participating. (June 12th, 2024)

Since we are a LLC, it is not required to report financial results.

The fiscal year of Mx is from January 1st to December 31st. It is very happy to be able to report that we will be able to maintain a surplus as a half-year forecast. We have also been able to maintain debt-free management.

Although our ability is limited as a manufacturer and distributor of glycan and lectin-related products, we will continue to work hard to provide the better services to customers. We appreciate your continued support. (May 31, 2024)

News(New Product Development)

We will develop a compact, inexpensive, and highly sensitive glycan array that can easily profile the glycan binding specificity of lectins covering a wide range of glycan epitopes. Several types of glycan arrays already exist on the market, but most arrays require a sample volume of several tens of μg/mL. In the case of trace amounts of markers or extracts from rare natural products, the sample preparation is difficult to meet the requirements.

Our target glycan array can easily profile glycan binding properties even at concentrations at the ng/mL level. This glycan array is also highly compatible with the world’s most sensitive evanescent-field fluorescence excitation scanner (GlycoStation), making it possible to obtain highly reliable data, no matter how weak the bond is.

stay tuned! (May 9, 2024)

Mx will be holding a half price sale on GSR2300 as the 4th anniversary event. First come first served, limited to only 1 unit. Please contact us for special pricing. (May 3rd, 2024)

News (Carbohydrates related International Conferences)

Carbohydrates related International Conferences which will be held in overseas in 2024-2025 was summarized. (May 7th, 2024)

News(Updated Information about GlycoStation Related Products)

The most recent Information about GlycoStation related products (GSR22300, GSL-2200, and IgG1-mAb-LecChip) was uploaded for your information. Since some Video were embeded in this document, PowerPoint was used instead of pdf. (Feb. 1st, 2024)

FDA has published a paper on lectin microarrays for simple and rapid therapeutic mAbs. This result was also a joint study between FDA and GlycoTechnica. In this paper, Glycan Profiler GSR2300 and 14-well lectin microarrays using 9 kinds of carefully selected lectins were used. (Jan. 26th, 2024)

A Happy New Year.

Thank you very much for your help and support for our company during the past year. We look forward to continuing work with you in 2024.

We could successfully complete our first fiscal year, and achieved a surplus with debt-free management.

Previous news has been archived in the past news list.