Mx (emukk LLC) is a research and development type business entity. Delivering new products to the world is the basic philosophy of Mx.

Mx President, Masao Yamada, Ph.D., has got a wide range of experiences from Nd-doped solid-state lasers, DRAM embedded CMOS semiconductor devices, X-ray lithography, plasma process technologies such as CVD and dry etching, photoelectron spectroscopy, physical chemistry at semiconductor interfaces, energy band, microarray scanners, SPR biosensors, FA-PC, deep learning, homepage creation, cDNA arrays, glycomics, lectin arrays, and to glycan arrays. 

Making use of such good experiences from semiconductor engineering to biotechnology, Mx will provide you new products and also R&D support/consulting for developing innovative products and services that will drive the world of after Corona.

Here is a Company Pamphlet

President Brief History

President Masao Yamada

Concurrently working as Mx (emukk LLC) President since Nov., 2020 and Visiting Prof. at Yokohama City University from Apr., 2021.

Received PhD from Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University.
1983~2002: worked at Electronic Device Business Group, Fujitsu Ltd.,
2002~2004: worked at NLE (Director/Vice President),
2004~2009: worked at Moritex Inc. (Director/Head of Glycomics Laboratory).
2009~2013: worked at GP Bioscience Ltd. (Director/Founder),
2013~2020: worked at GlycoTechnical Ltd. (Director/Founder), 
2020, Dec.~2022, Jul.: Senior Scientific Adviser, GlycoTechnica Ltd.,

Other positions include Consulting Associate Professor at Stanford University, Solid State Electronics Laboratory (1989~1991), and Visiting Professor at Nagoya University (2001~2002).

A list of Papers, Research Funds, and Patents (as of January 2024)

A list of principal R&D Products

researchmap and ORCID and researchgate

Fiscal Year

from Jan. 1st to Dec. 31st

Major Banks

MUFG Bank, Ltd.


One of the first companies commercialized lectin microarrays was Moritex’s Glycomics Laboratory, which launched the glycan profiling system “GlycoStation” in 2007. Another business entity was Procognia in Israel, which developed a technology named “GlycoScope” for glycan structure analysis using lectin microarrays. The former technology has undergone transitions from Moritex, through GP Bioscience, to Glycotechnica, and finally has been inherited by Mx (emukk LLC). The spin-out of GP Biosciences from Moritex was actually made possible by an agreement about patents between representatives of the Glycomics Laboratory, Moritex and representatives of Procognia held in November 2008 in London.

Lectin microarray

The new coronavirus has become a massive pandemic once in 100 years, and its economic impact has led to a recession beyond the Lehman shock. Researchers around the world are working hard to elucidate the pathogenesis of COVID-19 and develop therapeutic drugs and vaccines. In order for small players like our company to win such a race, we have to focus our resources to just one point and push it forward vigorously. Now is the time to bring the glycan and lectin technologies we have cultivated over 10 years as an unique technology originated in Japan up to the surface, and contribute it to health and prosperity of humanity. We are encouraging ourselves telling that Now is the time. Our mind in this technology development is documented also in NEDO’s homepage as “Aim the world standard for glycan analysis with a technology from Japan”.
Make our Glycan Profiling technology world standard

At Mx (emukk LLC), while applying the technology we have cultivated, we are now focusing on realizing regenerative and sustainable agriculture (for food safety for 8 billion people around the world), developing optic biome sensors and biostimulants toward the realization of a sustainable world.

Introduction of Glycan Profiling Technology: a movie showing GSR2200/2300 scans LecChip in 15minutes at 3sec exposure time and with a 1×5 scanning mode

GSR2200/2300 scanning at 3 sec exposure time and with a 1×5 scanning mode