A potential role for C-type lectins in modulating immune responses during Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm-driven chronic infections

A group from School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, etc. has reported about ええ.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a versatile opportunistic pathogen that causes acute infection after invasive procedures and burns, and chronic infections in patients with persistent lung disease and compromised immunity1. P. aeruginosa infection is especially troublesome in people with cystic fibrosis where it is a major determinant of irreversible loss of lung function and mortality.

Several new findings have emerged from this study.
(i) demonstrated robust recognition of P. aeruginosa biofilms and planktonic cells by DC-SIGN (CD209), and weak recognition of biofilms by MR (CD206) and Dectin-2;
(ii) showed binding of DC-SIGN, MR and Dectin-2 to purified biofilm carbohydrates, particularly to the high molecular weight fractions;
(iii) provided evidence for biofilm carbohydrates affecting DC-SIGN, MR and Dectin-2 function and
(iv) established the ability of biofilm carbohydrates to modulate dendric cells phenotype.
The key message of these studies is that P. aeruginosa produces carbohydrates that have the potential to influence immunity through the engagement of C-type lectins.

Carbohydrates from biofilms were purifies and analyzed by gel filtration chromatography. The biofilm carbohydrates were divided into high (>45 kDa, HMW) and low molecular weight (<45 kDa, LMW) fractions. Further, the differences in molecular weight between the HMW and LMW preparations were analyzed in detail, and the HMW fraction was divided into two fractions as follows, 15,370 Da for LMW, and 182,300 Da and 132,670 Da, for HMW-1 and HMW-2, respectively. The hydrolysed carbohydrate monomer compositions in weight % for HMW-1 is 74.9% mannose, 14.7% glucose, 7.4% galactose, and 3.0% rhamnose, and for HMW-2 80.9% mannose, 11.0% glucose, 2.3% galactose, and 5.7% rhamnose.