Increase in high mannosylation prevents decidualization of the endometrium and causes pregnancy failure

A group from Liaoning Provincial Core Lab of Glycobiology and Glycoengineering, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Dalian Medical University, China, etc. has found increased high-mannose glycans and concomitant reduction of mannosidase MAN1A1 in the decidual tissues of miscarriage patients compared with early pregnant women using lectin microarrays. Among lectins, mannose binding lerctins, NPA, HHL, LCHA, CALSEPA, and GNA, showed significant changes.

The abnormally elevated high mannosylation by MAN1A1 downregulation inhibited decidualization.
Screening of Long noncoding RNAs (LncRNAs) revealed that LncNEAT1 was increased in the decidual tissues of miscarriage patients.
Furthermore, it was found that LncNEAT1 interacted with NPM1-SP1 transcription complex and inhibited MAN1A1 expression, thereby hampering endometrial decidualization and embryo implantation.