A group from Department of Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan, etc. has reported that FUT8 is upregulated under oxidative stress.
The antioxidant response as defined by the Gene Ontology category includes 441 human genes, such as HMOX1 (Heme oxygenase 1) and GCLC (Glutamate—cysteine ligase catalytic subunit), which are typical antioxidant response genes. The expression of these genes helps reduce the oxidative condition in cells to protect them from oxidative stress. To test whether there is any changes in glycan expressions due to antioxidant responses, gene expressions in human keratinocyte cell line HaCaT were investigated with or without 5-hydroxy-4-phenyl-butenolide (5H4PB) and sulforaphane (SFN), which has been known to be an antioxidant.
It was found that FUT8 is upregulated in both cases (5H4PB and SFN) from gene analysis. This was also confirmed by flow cytometry using fluorescein-conjugated fucose binding lectin, UEA-I.